Very often I’ll end up not only reversing the polarity of some tracks, but also shifting them backwards or forwards in time by a few samples with respect to one another. When I’m given any project to mix that includes multi–miked instruments, especially drums, a first stage is always to check the phase and timing relationships between the different mics. I had not used this before, and very quickly found it indispensible. Alternatives Eventide Ensemble BundleĪ highlight of the Anthology X bundle that would be easy to overlook is Eventide’s humble Precision Time Align plug–in. Whatever your approach to music and mixing, this is a suite that offers limitless possibilities.
Fortunately, a free 30–day trial is available, which should give most people time to explore some of the different avenues that Anthology X opens up before parting with their money. So, not everyone will find every plug–in here equally useful - but you’ll never exhaust the capabilities of those you do use. It’s not a suite targeted at particular users or applications, and it cheerfully ignores the boundaries of categories like vintage and modern, creative and utility, effect and processor. And while there’s very little criticism that could be levelled at any of the individual plug–ins, it might bother some people that the collection as a whole lacks a unifying functional or visual theme. It’s undeniably a premium product, and as you’d expect, that is reflected in a price which will put it beyond the reach of quite a few musicians. Eventide Anthology Ii Bundle Torrent PdfĪnthology X is a really substantial collection of plug–ins, then, most of which are new to the native world.Eventide Anthology Ii Bundle Torrent Download.

Eventide Anthology Ii Bundle Torrent Online.H910 is the recreation of the very first Harmonizer effects processor, and was adopted by undustry luminaries like Tony Visconti who used it to create the unique snare sound on Bowie's Young Americans, Low, and Lodger.
The Anthology II bundle contains all the plug-ins you need for your next Pro Tools TDM project. The EQ45 parametric equaliser is a recreation of their vintage analogue EQ unit, including 12dB-per-octave high and low cut filters as well as four bands of fully parametric EQ. So to the new plug-ins that Eventide have added to the Anthology bundle to turn it into the Anthology II bundle. Before anyone tries this I only tested this on a PC with a UAD-1 (Mackie version) with Logic 5.5.1 and Cubase 2.2.035 but I see no reason why it shouldn't work with any other sequencer. Seems like a risky & troublesome procedure, but its really much simpler than it really seems! OK here's the deal.